With a UReach or JetMedia duplicator, do we still need to format a hard drive?
Sometimes we need to format a new hard drive before starting to use it.
Formatting new hard drives in a factory or on the production line is time-consuming and labor-intensive. However, there is a tip, you can directly copy data with a new hard drive if you use a UReach/JetMedia duplicator.
UReach/JetMedia copiers are of one-click operation. They display the task being performed, generate a Log Report immediately after copying, and provide accurate data comparison. After copying, the format and data of the target drive will be the same as the source, so there is no need to format the hard drive before performing.
Copying data through a UReach or JetMedia duplicator, the format and data of the source hard drive will be identically copied to the target drive in a bit-for-bit manner.
For further information, please click the links below.
⧐ UReach duplicator